typesofpokergames| Porsche Team wins: The results of the 2024FE Formula E Shanghai double consecutive race announced

editor2024-05-27 07:30:3515Family

News summary

Porsche, McLaren and Andretti Racing Team won the championship and third runner-up respectively in the Shanghai FE Formula Electric Racetypesofpokergames, demonstrate the speed and passion of the electric vehicle industry and attract investors 'attention.

typesofpokergames| Porsche Team wins: The results of the 2024FE Formula E Shanghai double consecutive race announced

Newsletter text

[2024FE Formula E Shanghai Station: Porsche Team wins the championship] On May 26, a race bringing together the world's top electric racing drivers kicked off grandly at the Shanghai International Circuit. Twenty-two drivers from 11 teams competed in a double row. On the same day, the competition in the 12th round was particularly fierce. Antonio Felix da Costa of Porsche won the championship with outstanding performance, Jack Hughes of McLaren was closely followed, and Norman Nato of Andretti was ranked third.